Friday, December 28, 2007

Unintentional hilarity
As much as I hate giving these people more page views, I can't resist. Follow the link and go to PW in the bit at the top and then signs. Scroll through and laugh at how they publish propaganda in an attempt to "throw the truth back at the Left."
Some examples of their 'truths:'
"Every libertarian is a racist! Just look at some imagined side effects of their goals!"
"The libertarians want to kill all the white males in an attempt to end sexism and racism!"
"Here's some goofy pictures of former Democratic presidents! This somehow proves a point!"
The first time I saw that last one, I laughed out loud because it was so utterly ridiculous and mockable. And mock it I did.
Here's a picture that I made in just ten minutes that makes a point backed up with just as much evidence as theirs, only made to say the opposite. It was really that easy.

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