Monday, December 10, 2007

...I think I hate Mitt Romney.
I suggest you watch the TV spots. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. Some highlights:
"Our children are swimming in an ocean of filth. Remember those Columbine kids? They did that because they had violent media. When questioned, I'll say that there were other factors, but for now I'll give the impression that it was only that because it's easy to defend my validity." Okay, I threw some stuff in, but that's really my entire point. Consider this, consider this, the slip of the century: The kids at Columbine were not mentally sound.
"I turned around a Democratic state and made it Republican." Bipartisan much? That's not going to do anything other than make the conservatives happy with him. I bet he's a god-fearing Christian, too, which is a topic I'll probably discuss more in the future, but for now I'll just say 'Why does god need to be feared?'
"Basic values like marriage are suddenly up for debate." I'm going to assume that he's talking about gay marriages here, because nothing else makes remote sense. Marriage isn't any less marriage because it's open to non-standard couplings, and if you ask me, saying that it's such a terrible thing that we treat homosexuals at the same level as all other people is just a downright bigoted thing to say.

Now playing: Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
via FoxyTunes

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