Saturday, December 8, 2007

LaRouche: Stupid politician, or the stupidest?
Umm... What. The. Hell.
Really, what the hell was that?
Here's what I got out of that article:
1. LaRouche hates the media and is convinced that Joe Leiberman, one of the very first anti-video game activists, is 'sleeping with the enemy,' as it were.
2. LaRouche does not need to provide evidence to back up his opinions. Also, LaRouche enjoys referring to himself as LaRouche.
And, if you want more LaRouche insanity, see this:
Words can not describe how little sense this makes. For starters, what the hell is a noosphere? Seriously. Also, LaRouche believes that Britan wants us dead (WTF? That is totally Worse Than Failure.) All non-LaRouche politicians are secretly double agents trying to ruin us, and children are intelligent, powerful, capable human beings that would ruin us all if given the right to vote. Okay, the right to vote thing wasn't in there, but if you asked him, that would definitely be his opinion. While I believe that children can be as capable and responsible as adults, the point is that he's a hypocrite.
Anyway, I can't figure out anything else from this thing. Really, what on Earth is he talking about? Let me know if you figure it out, I could lose sleep over this, it's that fricking insane.

Now playing: Green Day - Jesus Of Suburbia
via FoxyTunes

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